Advice, contact person
Asyl Spenge e.V. – Integration and support of refugees in Spenge
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Advice, contact person
A team of volunteers from Asyl Spenge e.V. has been taking care of the social needs and integration of the refugees since 2014 in cooperation with the social welfare office of the city of Spenge.
Other areas in refugee care are the accompaniment and support to various authorities, doctors, hospitals, lawyers and the court.
The transition from the social welfare office to the job center after recognition involves a large number of formalities. Integration into the labor market with help with applications is also supported on a voluntary basis. Without advice and help, people would not be able to fill out the numerous forms. This also includes applications for child benefit, parental benefit and support for applications in school and kindergarten.
Our expert advisor on official matters in Spenge town hall

Ulla-Britta Rüsing
every Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m
Phone: 0151 591 006 22 (Thursdays)