The association Asyl Spenge e.V. has existed since March 2016.
The voluntary work in the form of a working group has existed since the end of 2013. The administration of the not inconsiderably high donations made it necessary to found an association in 2016.
It is not absolutely necessary to be a member of Asyl Spenge e.V. to get involved with us in the Spenger refugee work. Meetings take place roughly every month, to which everyone is invited. In the meantime, some Spenger refugees are also involved in the association.
If you wish, you can simply contact us here via the homepage (contact) and ask how you can get involved or when the next meeting will take place.
We are also happy about every new member of the association.
The rather symbolic club fee of 12€ per year forms a certain minimum financial cushion for regular and necessary expenses such as club insurance.
The membership fee is a minimum contribution. “Minimum” means that each member can decide whether he/she pays more than 12€ in contribution. The membership fee (like all donations to the association) is tax deductible.
You can find the membership form here:
Declaration of accession and SEPA direct debit mandate (the form can be downloaded and filled out directly in your pdf program)
The board of the association consists of:

Karl Hankel (cashier)

Samir Al Najjar (secretary)

Annegret Beckmann (chairman)
In 2016, students from the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences made a short film about our work here in Spenge as part of the nomination for the honorary office award of the North Rhine-Westphalia Refugee Council. Here is the work: